To listen the full album and to buy it click here
Víctor Da Cunha - drums, percussion, tenor sax, Fender Rhodes, electric bass, melodica and voice
Roxana Carrizo - flute
Tomás Da Cunha - voice
Recorded by Víctor Da Cunha in Mayu Sumaj, sierras de Córdoba - Argentina 1996
Remasterized by Silvio Andrés Massimo 3:2 Records, Córdoba Argentina Julio 2022
Cover Art and Design by Ramiro Peralta
The material that makes up this album was recorded in a totally homemade and untimely manner, with a Tascam 4 channel tape portable studio, in 1996, in the sierras of Córdoba.
The imperative need for expression and the lack of musicians with whom to play, led me to play all the instruments in the album, with the exception of the transverse flute, and in this way, improvise with myself; and the magic of music made "themes" appear in all its form. Thus, in a state of creative ecstasy, I pressed the record button with my foot on the portable studio that was on the floor, and with the bass guitar hanging, I started playing without hesitation, knowing that Mother Music would guide me. The saxophone was recorded with a Pioneer recorder microphone. The melodic used in the song Broken Cities was broken, with a note that sounded continuously. The space in which I recorded it, was a kind of "creative planet", with the instruments scattered on the ground like sound flowers.
It was enough to open the door of the improvised recording room to be "sucked in" by a creative energy that left no room for doubts.
I deeply thank Mariana Potenza for the decision to edit this material that reflects all the magic that can be achieved by relating with total dedication to that energetic mystery that we call music, to name it in some way.
Victor Da Cunha

Musician born in Uruguay, lived in Argentina from the age of 9.
His musical beginnings started in rock, then he went on to accompany singer-songwriters and popular music groups of different styles.
Saxophonist Marcelo Peralta introduces him to free jazz, starting what would be a "one-way trip". With Peralta, Potenza and Mancinni, they form the improvisation group “Grupo de Improvisación Tercer Mundo” (“Third World”), with whom he records the album "Un hilo de Luz" (“A thread of light”) (Melopea Discos DM 014 / Buenos Aires 1988).
For two years he is part of the group that accompanies the well-known popular singer Teresa Parodi with whom he travels throughout Argentina.
In 1992 he moves to Córdoba, and is part of the important musical movement of that province. There he records what will later be the album “Broken Cities”.
In 1997 he moves to Europe. In Spain, he is part of Marcelo Peralta's quartet, performing in Madrid and Barcelona.
Then he settles in Belgium, where he has intense activity playing Drum and Bass with the group Flow, and multi-ethnic music with the group Yoda, performing with these two groups throughout Belgium.
He accompanies two African singers from Madagascar and Cameroon.
In Brussels he forms his trio Natural Artistic Impulses (N.A.I.), with whom he performs in Brussels and in Cologne, Germany. He releases the album “Broken Cities” independently, with material recorded in Argentina and three live versions of the trio N.A.I.
Upon returning to Argentina, he focuses on improvisation, forming a duo with piano and another one with guitar.
In 2019 the group “Grupo de Improvisación Tercer Mundo” meets in Buenos Aires to make a concert in memory of the 30 years of the album "Un hilo de Luz", which will be recorded and edited by the independent label Koshkil Records in digital format and on CD.
The proposed edition of the album "Broken Cities" (July 2022) in digital format by the Koshkil Records label, inaugurates the section of archival material, simultaneously editing also the new material: The Victor da Cunha Experience: "Retorno" ("Return") (July 2022).